Catching Drop from the QnA3 project - a real gem.
Catching Drop from the QnA3 project - a real gem
Now we can farm points for which we are promised in the future that they will be converted into a project token, the exact amount of the ratio is not known, but I think they will feed us significantly!
What are we doing?
— Go to the website and connect the wallet
— We start collecting points every day in the tab
— Download the extension to your PC and it also gives you daily + points
— We vote from time to time - for which we divide the fund of points
— We invite referrals - or we take a Proxy and antidetect browser and abuse
I think in terms of activity it’s definitely worth checking out since Binance Labs itself is interested in the project, this is already good for us and the Drop should definitely be generous.
The Confirmed project token can be viewed on Gitbook name $QNA, we are waiting!
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