$100 000 Trick or Treat Tournament.
$100 000 Trick or Treat Tournament
Celebrate Halloween with BetFury! Join the Trick or Treat Tournament from October 20 to November 1. Use your luck to get the riches of ancient Vampires, Werewolves, and Spirits. Frighten your opponents with your victorious mood and get worthy rewards. The Tournament's prize pool, including three Battles, is $100 000!
How to Win the Tournament?
Participate in three themed competitions: $20 000 Vampire Originals Battle, $20 000 Werewolves Slots Battle, and $10 000 Live Casino Spirit Battle.
Play and increase your Battle wager in each of them.
Take a prize-winning place in the Battle to get Tournament points. These points are calculated by the following formula: Battle wager x Battle coefficients. Vampires provide an x1 Battle coefficient, Werewolves – x1.5, and Spirits – x2.
Points are accumulated throughout the Tournament.
The more points – the greater the chances of getting into the Leaderboard.
The $50 000 prize pool will be shared by 20 lucky Tournament winners on November 1.
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