Airdrop from the NFPromt project | Farming NFP tokens.

Airdrop from the NFPromt project | Farming NFP tokens. NFPromt is a project that is based on artificial intelligence and developed in Web-3. There is also support from Binance Labs (the project comes from the 6th incubation program). The project is being followed by big infl. The project launched Airdrop, where everyone can collect points for daily login, and then swap them into an NFP token. What to do? — Go to the website — Click on “ Get Started ” — We connect a wallet or mail, and then start collecting points every day (a commission will be required to receive) — If possible, you can use the referral link. For lower commissions, we add RPC networks from ANKR, and if that doesn’t help, then we simply change the gas inside the transaction. Start HERE